Blackbird removal in the Triad
Blackbirds are a pervasive pest in North America. Here in North Carolina, including Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Kernersville, Burlington and the greater Triad, we have some blackbirds and similar species like grackles, all of which can be pests.
Blackbird problems
Blackbirds, grackles, and starlings are all considered “bully birds” by bird lovers. This is because they will push more desirable birds away from bird feeders and dominate the seeds. Blackbirds also enjoy grains and seeds in general so they will invade gardens and farmland. When blackbirds gather in large numbers near crops, they can quickly destroy all the planter’s hard work.
Critter Control of the Triad
Blackbirds and similar birds like grackles, will do significant damage to gardens and chase away song birds. You do not have to allow them to dominate the yard, though. Give Critter Control of the Triad a call, and a wildlife technician can determine how best to deter them from being present on your property.